You’re always taking care of someone
When the needy lamb is you
You’re always taking on that woman’s
Swipe, aren’t you?
You’re always making sure the Queen of Swords
Is absolutely fine
You’re always hanging out your heart
To dry it on the line
It makes you feel like a man, I think
To play the sacrificial saviour
You like to think you take the lead
When really, you’ve been dragged here.
Your armour and shield; both are wearing thin,
But you worry that her wrists might be hurting
Yeah, it’s probably all those
Big bad swords she wielding.
You planted flowers, yet you find yourself
Standing on felled ground, all stalks and bleeding sap
Would you look at that
What’ll it take to convince you?
It doesn’t have to be like this
Love is honest, not manipulative
Love is honest, not manipulative
A relationship’s for two.