Hey K,
I should have just married you
You asked me so nicely
I could’ve had everything my own way
You’d go out to work
And I’d stay home and play
Hey K,
I’m a little older now
I see clearly how cruel and hideous the world is
I don’t want to partake in it
And you kindly, offered me a responsibility free island
Hey K,
I see that mostly love is an arrangement of choices
I was blinded you know, by feelings
I should have said yes
I know you’d have never left me
I could have done anything
You would have stuck by me
I always admired your reliability.
Hey K,
I think our marriage would have been a nice little escapism
You were so willing to give me anything
And when I felt out of sorts, irritated and lied or denied you
You forgave me; there was nothing else you could do.
Now I wonder if my justice will be
To find my man and discover that he loves me, just
As much as I loved you
And I’ll be the stupid forlorn love sick female version
Who never argues
He’ll trample all over me;
That would really be a lesson
I bet that’s what he’d do.
Well, you know, if I ever found him
This is all just theoretical posing
Hey K,
I wonder, if I could reverse time
And have once again the chance,
I think the second time around,
knowing what I know, I’d marry you.
I’d turn our house into a museum
Forget all about my quest for the ‘real thing’
And invent hormonal reasons for my lack of participation.
I’m too tired
The world is too harsh
And I need to be protected, mollycoddled and infected
By a man as loyal, well off and forgiving
As you.